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The Alpha Bug Tracker is now closed.

👉 Please post any new bugs to the Invision Community v5 bug tracker.

  • Status: Pending

Sorry if this is in the wrong area. I’m not sure if these are bugs, by intent, or if they would quality as a feature request.

Categories in menu

As someone who uses the fluid categories option, I expect I’ll be linking to them in the main menu. As of now, forum categories (regular or fluid) are greyed out when you try to add them to the main menu. Is there the possibility to open them up as a menu option?

For this example, I temporarily changed the fluid category to a fluid forum, added the node to the main, and then changed it back to a category.

Domer Domain Demo Site


Filtered Clubs in Menu

I have links to club categories in the main menu, but those links are being rewritten once I publish the updated menu.

Link I’m trying to add: https://s331512.invisionservice.com/clubs/?&f1[0]=1
Published link converts to: https://s331512.invisionservice.com/clubs/?f1%255B0%255D=1

It looks like the brackets are being converted to %255B and %255D. These links work everywhere else I’ve checked, however. They’re just not getting along with the menu.

Fan Clubs Demo Site


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We’re re-working the menu manager in the ACP a bit. But I’ll add those bugs to see if they are fixed or not.



Changed Status to Moved to GitHub



Changed Status to Fixed



Changed Status to Pending



I’ll take a look on your site as we couldn’t reproduce it ourselves.

Mike G

1 hour ago, Matt said:

I’ll take a look on your site as we couldn’t reproduce it ourselves.

Thanks Matt. I'm trying to place the links under the categories Sub-menu. If you need anything from my end, please let me know.

Thank you for your help.