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👉 Please post any new bugs to the Invision Community v5 bug tracker.

  • Status: Not a bug

Seems to happen on profile hovercards and on Tag pages which don’t have a cover image set.

Screenshot 2024-08-15 at 10.32.56.png

^ This one extends a fair distance outside of the boundaries of the covercard.

Screenshot 2024-08-15 at 10.33.27.png

^ This one goes a little crazy and goes waaaaay off the page! :)

EDIT: Just saw it on profile page too, when checking reputation (it doesn’t go OOB when checking the profile page in general):

Screenshot 2024-08-15 at 10.42.06.png

And again on a Tag page, this time with an uploaded cover image, on a mobile view (note: this screenshot was made on a desktop browser with the browser window narrowed to mobile width, not on an actual mobile device, if that helps):

Screenshot 2024-08-15 at 10.44.30.png

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I dont seem to be able to replicate this one. What browser are you using there?



I’m using Google Chrome Version 127.0.6533.100 (Official Build) (arm64) on macOS 14.5



Can’t reproduce on Chrome 127.6533.119 MacOS 14.5

Do you have any custom CSS that may interact with this? Can you reproduce on this forum?

CleanShot 2024-08-15 at 16.28.18.png



Ohhhh… now that you mention it… 🫢

I do have some custom CSS applied that may conflict with this, and may be causing it. I was trying to remove the padding/margins between the cover image and the edges of the content box (so that it would stretch to the edges), while also applying border-radius on the top corners while removing them in the bottom corners (so that it would transition nicely into the main content). I imagine I may have experimented a little poorly.

For the record, this is the relevant custom CSS I’m using, but I guess it needs adjusting so that the images don’t go out of bounds?

/* Cover Photo Ratios and Margins */
.ipsCoverPhoto_container {
	--_margin: 0;
	border-radius: var(--i-box--bo-ra) var(--i-box--bo-ra) 0 0;
	--_mobile-ratio: 2.4; /* This is to resize the height of the cover photo in mobile view as it's currently too tall IMO */
@media (max-width: 767px) {		
	.ipsPull .ipsCoverPhoto_container {
		border-radius: 0;

/* Remove Cover Photo for Wiki Entries */
body.cCmsDatabase_wiki .ipsCoverPhoto {
	display: none;



Update: I found five minutes to play with my custom CSS code, and it turns out the culprit was this line:

.ipsCoverPhoto_container {
	--_margin: 0;

I had set a value of ‘0’ for this, which was causing the margins on the cover image containers to mess up. Once I changed it to ‘0px’, it appeared to fix the problem.

Thanks for your attention on this - simple user error, after all, not a bug! 😅



All good. Its good to have you playing with it and seeing what you can do :)



Changed Status to Not a bug