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The Alpha Bug Tracker is now closed.

👉 Please post any new bugs to the Invision Community v5 bug tracker.

  • Status: Moved to GitHub

Not sure if this is a bug or not but thought I'd flag it. I embedded a local content link elsewhere on this site, and the embed looks kinda strange.


There’s a quote box within the embed wrapper that basically duplicates the same content as the embed box itself. There isn’t any need for the quote box (or its contents) to be there, really.

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Can confirm and reproduce. Looks like it treats the embed url for the topic’s original post as if it's a reply. In that view, the quote is supposed to be the linked topic’s original post, while the text underneath is supposed to be a reply.

The original post itself shouldn't have that quote and has a slightly different layout, here's the two side by side.

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