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Everything posted by Mat

  1. Works again, thanks.
  2. Mat posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    I was going to mention that too. The v4 stream looks better.
  3. Why is the code block hidden under the headings? I couldn't find it. Quite unintuitive.
  4. Mat posted a post in a topic in News
    And there will be more and more of them, see v4.
  5. A few bugs I noticed on Alpha 9 #1 The β€œEmail Address” text field is too wide and a scroll bar appears. Browser: Edge #2 No redirection from the link - https://preview.invisionalpha5.com/index.php?app=core&module=discover&controller=streams #3 All "pop-ups" lag terribly and have too much delay. - user panel, share button and the login panel. #4 H1-H3 headings are not in order in the topic.