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  1. Sasha93 posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    Or contabo….that will be great. Please, team, add S3-compatible object storage; not everyone can use AWS.
  2. @Mat Well, I decided to go with Invision Community, and I purchased a license yesterday. 1. I couldn't find a way to edit the original files of the theme (CSS, JS, templates). 2. Where can I add prefixes for forums and downloads? Thanks
  3. Sasha93 posted a post in a topic in News
    I want to create a community for humanitarian workers focused on child protection and gender-based violence (GBV). This community will provide a platform for discussing responses to child protection concerns and GBV, as well as sharing learning materials and curricula. Additionally, there will be a private section for discussing advanced services such as case management for complicated cases + other things related to humanitarian rights and response.
  4. Sasha93 posted a post in a topic in News
    I am in the process of deciding whether to go with Xenforo or IPB. After reviewing the information, IPB could be compared to vitamins, while Xenforo seems to function more like a painkiller, even though I love the look and function of IPB v5.
  5. Sasha93 posted a post in a topic in News
    I believe the problem lies in the pricing and the need for additional hosting resources. πŸ€”