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Ocean West

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  1. Ocean West posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    as much as I enjoy sparing with @Matt about features I think I must have - I am really enjoying the immense effort of the entire team :) I am hoping to disable all third party additions for a while and introducing the new normal as a feature not a failure. bravo on new beta!
  2. Ocean West posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    I know the tag system is changing from Alphas I don’t yet know how or what a conversion would look like What recommendations are you making to prep our v4 sites well in advance (regarding tags / prefix) I am not overly precious about our tags and prefixes just didn’t want to wipe out decades of open tag system.
  3. HAHAH. You should have released it this on Friday The Thirteenth
  4. Ocean West posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    Has nothing to do with displaying ads with the page editor open. What they are referring to here is the ad will not display in any of hard coded places listed by the check box. (a few alpha versions back you had to choose something ) But rather you can open the page editor and choose Custom Block and then drag that to any well you wish, you can configure that block to show the ads as you wish.
  5. Ocean West posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    I have noticed now that an advertisement can be left blank to only show in the block manager. This is fantastic however presents a new management conundrum. When setting up an advertisement product for users to purchase we no longer have the means to pick from existing block keys (in v4 we could type in the template key) I cannot setup a product for a user to purchase an ad unattended. It will require admins to login and fiddle with the block to add that ad. When setting up new products we need to be able to assign the ad to an existing custom block. In addition it would be most agreeable to have another location for ads included in site email. With this option a particular advertisement would be in rotation and be included in all site emails. This would provide an upsell and reach for admins and their advertisers, win-win.
  6. Ocean West posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    humor me, A simple Menu “View Options” at the bottom of the page next to themes is a very low ask here, and keeps your “UI clean” - I am advocating for the end users’ expectations and experience - fora user to be able to click and see the effects without having to round trip to the users preferences. at the very least have similar endpoints that we can inject our own preferences and choices? or or or or even
  7. Ocean West posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    We are clearly not on the same page with this, you are taking a highly opinionated view on how we should manage our sites experience. It should be in our control. I don’t want separate themes that is a management nightmare. Can you at the very least create a URL endpoint that would effectively toggles each of these settings saving it to my preferences. I can create my own widget or menu item (visible to users or groups as I see fit ) to instant toggle setting without changing the current context?
  8. Ocean West posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    for most people they won’t have access to this but as an ADMIN I wear different hats I like to be able to think freely and change views otherwise once set it will be forever forgotten and all the work that went in to the new IPS features will go unloved and un noticed. I may not like a view when there is only minimum content but when more content is available it may be more inspiring, to view in a different manner. I dislike setting things in the blind I want to make a view change and remain in context - anything else is just unnecessary cognitive load.
  9. Ocean West posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    well that obviously not obvious.
  10. Ocean West posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    all activity allows for Condensed / Expanded - I don’t find this distracting.
  11. Ocean West posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    You mean like RapidAPI or Postman collections?
  12. Ocean West posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    Would be pretty cool to see if based on a Blog RSS Feed Import when the article doesn’t contain an image have AI generate an image based the content, (we could add our own chat GPT api) or have it auto pick a stock photo based on this content? Perhaps when the system generates such an image it would require a mod / admin to approve the generated image.
  13. Suggestion for Improving Font Awesome Icon Management in Menu Manager I’ve noticed that some menu items in the ACP have randomly assigned generic image icons, even when I haven’t set them. Upon trying to remove or change these icons, I encountered the following message: “You may pick a custom icon for this menu item. If none is selected, a context-relevant default icon may be used.” While this is helpful, I think it would be a great improvement if all IPS default icons were clearly displayed in the ACP for each menu item. This way, administrators can easily see which icons are set by default and decide whether to keep or change them. Additionally, it would be beneficial to have the ability to remove default icons for specific menu items if needed, with a simple “revert” option to restore IPS system defaults if changes are made. To enhance clarity, perhaps icons could be visually distinguished—such as using a different color—depending on whether they are custom or default IPS icons. From a user interface perspective, it would also be helpful if, when setting an icon, an info tip or warning could appear if the same icon has already been used elsewhere in the menu. This would help prevent duplicate icons and ensure a more polished UI experience. Thank you for considering these suggestions to make the icon management process more intuitive and user-friendly!
  14. Ocean West posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    But for over a decade it has lived inside the top and bottom breadcrumbs bar. It is effective unobtrusive above the fold and persistent across the site. I would find this a satisfactory compromise APC Setting: Breadcrumbs Include Activity Links: Top: None | All Activity | Unread Content Bottom: None | All Activity | Unread Content
  15. Ocean West started following Default Menus...
  16. I had a fresh v10 and proceeded to update to v11 Went to ACP Menu Manager and Restored Default Menus. Browse, Activity are external links that contain menu items. Store is the app that contains other items. There is no way to add other menus into these or move menu items from one to another. You can’t even change the order of items.