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Everything posted by Ehren

  1. Iā€™ve downloaded an old version of Xcode (which has an iOS 13 simulator) onto the 2015 MacBook Air and I can see the culprit in the code. Iā€™ll do my best to make it more functional on older software šŸ˜…šŸ¤
  2. Hello, If possible, could you please elaborate on what you would like changed here? The entries are intended to be contained within a single box, with borders to separate them: There was an issue with a lack of margin between the title and the description if thatā€™s what youā€™re referring to? Thatā€™ll be fixed in an upcoming version.
  3. This has been addressed for the next update šŸ¤
  4. Even though v5 uses very modern CSS code, care has been taken to ensure old devices can still render everything correctly thanks to fallback code. With that said, if the operating system on these devices purposely isnā€™t being upgraded, it becomes incredibly tough to start supporting them. The usage of iOS 13 is only 0.01% according to ā€œCanIUseā€, and I wasnā€™t even able to find a used 6S which was running iOS 13 on any marketplace website in my country, so this is most definitely a very uncommon situation. During development, Iā€™ve been testing v5 using a Macbook Air from early 2015 (before the iPhone 6S was even announced) and itā€™s working great. I believe your iPhone 6S would also do the same if you were to upgrade, since iOS 15 comfortably handles v5. I agree that v5 could look a little more presentable for vintage operating systems, but I canā€™t make any promises that everything will work (CSS isnā€™t the only culprit here, weā€™re also using modern JS and new HTML elements too).
  5. Agreed. These buttons will be relocated to the header in the next update šŸ¤
  6. My apologies, it looks like that feature (private records) already exists! :)
  7. Actually, iPhone 6S supports iOS 15.8.3, released just 2 months ago on July 29, so I would recommend upgrading to that first to see if itā€™s fixed. šŸ¤
  8. No, the entire CSS framework has changed - so youā€™ll need to redo most of your custom CSS for v5.
  9. Itā€™s just a custom database - I really donā€™t think thereā€™s anything else too custom about it except for a few fields. Private records (which only the author + admins can view) arenā€™t a feature with Pages, but youā€™re welcome to create a separate suggestion if necessary šŸ¤
  10. Thanks for the suggestion however there are currently no plans to include this. You are welcome to add that CSS to your own community if youā€™d like to implement it :)
  11. Light and dark are the only two options. If you want different coloured theme variations (some football sites do this for each team), you can create multiple themes, or you can try implementing your own color picker using JS and CSS.
  12. The Bug Tracker feature on this site is just a Pages database with a few custom fields. Itā€™s not an application which can be toggled or preinstalled. Creating a database like this requires no custom templates or anything, so itā€™s very easy to create one on your own site if needed :)
  13. Hello, Visually, does the site look okay? I have no idea why links wouldnā€™t work on iOS 13, since theyā€™re just regular HTML links. Is it every link? If youā€™re able to elaborate on any of that (maybe with screenshots or videos) that would be great :)
  14. Lazy loading images is only a good idea if the image is ā€œbelow the foldā€ (outside the screen while the page loads). Since logos are at the top of the page, they will always be on the screen during page load, so lazy loading is not ideal for them. Youā€™ll even get suggestions from PageSpeed tools telling you to remove the attribute if it exists.
  15. Ehren posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    The email doesnā€™t need to be ā€œactiveā€ for logins to work, so burner emails or expired emails/domains will work fine for existing members. But when it comes to participating in a community, having an active email is a huge benefit (password resets, email notifications, etc). The migration from usernames to emails for logins is a nice reminder for your members to make sure their account details up to date, which is never a bad thing.
  16. Hi @Scorn Thanks so much for the feedback - I really appreciate that! A lot of work was put into making the mobile UI more comparable to the desktop UI, so Iā€™m glad that itā€™s made a positive improvement for you :) I understand the concerns with the topic list as Iā€™ve had similar opinions too. A ā€œreply arrowā€ icon was originally placed between the username and date which helped to identify the user as the ā€œlast replierā€ rather than the original author. Repositioning the author to the right side could also be a nice idea, so Iā€™ll have a play this week šŸ¤
  17. Ehren posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    Hi Mick, Themes will need to be recreated from scratch for v5. The frontend has received a significant rewrite, so v4 themes will not work on v5.
  18. The ā€œFluid viewā€ layout for forums is also a nice solution for displaying content instead of forums.
  19. Ehren posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    Thanks Mike! Glad youā€™re enjoying the progress so far. Iā€™m very much looking forward to a public beta so we can open it up to an even larger audience. šŸŽ‰
  20. Ehren posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    Thanks @Dreadknux Iā€™ve pushed some changes today to improve the mobile navigation menu. Icons have been added to submenu links. Active links are now highlighted with the primary color. If the active link exists inside a submenu, the submenu will be expanded by default on page load. I donā€™t believe we have any plans to introduce an ā€œexpanded by defaultā€ feature for submenus on mobile, although you could potentially do this with CSS.
  21. Ehren posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    Hi Antony, Yep. This can be done via the Theme Editor. Apps are displayed inside the ā€œMenuā€ button. Once tapped, that will display the navigation list. The amount of icons will vary if youā€™re signed in or not. For example, guests will see Login and Register buttons instead of New Content, Notifications and Messages. I personally wouldnā€™t go above 5 icons in this row if possible, otherwise it could become a little squashed. You could with template hooks, but there currently isnā€™t a Menu Manager for the bottom bar, so youā€™d need to do this via code.
  22. Ehren posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    šŸ¤Ø Strange.. Does this happen on all of your devices? Iā€™ve never seen that and I done believe itā€™s been reported by anyone else, so this might be a tough one to diagnose..
  23. Thanks, this was adjusted recently. ā€œDisabled checked inputsā€ are now just faded in opacity like v4.
  24. Ehren posted a post in a topic in Addressed Feedback
    The alignment of the blocks above them is intentional. On desktop, theyā€™re purposely aligned differently, so youā€™re just seeing a scaled version for mobiles:
  25. All sorted for the next update. Enjoy the massive icon while it lasts šŸ¤