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  1. shahed posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    I’m not sure it is suggested before here, but one of the consistent challenges with Downloads app in v4, and now v5 is working with “Add screenshots“ Challenges: If you have 6 screenshot and want to only update the second image, essentially you must remove all 6, then re-upload them all again with new screenshot 2. Sometime (and happen often) images uploaded as is, is not display as is. for example the uploaded image number two, is not display in file view as second image. it sometime scrambles the sorting in there and I’m not sure why sometime this happen. Solution: I think solution is simple. how about using tried and working example of Gallery app? in gallery, uploaded images can be move around by dragging. so having that in Downloads is like I just remove image 2 there, upload new image and move it in second place. 🙃 I want to add, it will be really cool if this implemented on all “Upload” field type in general. it can extend to all over the community where this type of field is used. 🤔
  2. I am seeing all posts as guest like this: The Share button in posts for registered users are in dropdown menu, next to expand info icon. however guests don’t see it like that. Now this is a bug report to make this better look for guests, however and as a suggestion I think it would be nicer if those two (Report and Share) was also visible for all and as icons next to expand button. 🤔
  3. shahed posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    Widgets and block manager/page editor have seen a refreshing design in v5. I like to suggest an idea that can be very useful in where exactly to display them. Issue: Currently when a widget added to the page, for example block added to Pages’ Database or Download’ home page, etc… it also being shown in all nested categories and nodes. it is a common request from some of my customers to make modification about this, so they could display a certain widget in certain page. for example display a widget only in FrontPage and not the nested nodes. or display a widget only in certain node… Example: display Review Blocks for download section, separate for each category Suggestions: One solution is for example, in Visibility tab when editing a widget: Display this widget in: [default: Parent and all nodes | Only nodes | Only this node/page > (choose)] This can solve all widget placement issues for good, however admin with a lot of categories may end up with very long list of blocks to manage. for such websites, another solution can work: Another suggestion for this issue is having new option about where the feed can be fetched. something like: Fetch from present category While it is not does an specific job with the first suggestion, but it can solve issue with adding just one block to the page for most users in my experience. it should work similar to current “Similar Contents“ widget, which uses tags as source of fetching it’s content (and won’t display if there is no tag). it can be add to the page one time but instead of fetching content from specific category or all categories, this block fetch contents from present category. display latest reviews with all of it’s settings, in a category that user are visiting at the moment.