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  1. envy posted a post in a topic in News
    @Matt we are waiting for the beta release. What is going on?
  2. envy posted a post in a topic in News
    Yooooo. I’m late to the party again. alpha 17 coming soon
  3. envy posted a post in a topic in News
    Not until Alpha 16 is released, buddy.
  4. envy posted a post in a topic in News
    definitely, we await alpha 16 & 17. it is a must until we get to alpha 100
  5. envy posted a post in a topic in News
    i guess i came late to the party
  6. envy posted a post in a topic in News
    deprecating the marketplace wasn’t a good move at all. nobody knows where to find certain plugins/app anymore
  7. envy posted a post in a topic in News
    @Matt You guys should also focus on forum monetization also. we need core features that allow ads between paragraphs for any app on this forum. Nobody runs a free forum these days. Scratch our back and we scratch yours.
  8. envy posted a post in a topic in News
    first to comment
  9. envy posted a post in a topic in News
    You can also add a feature that auto merges recent comments or posts into one. Just like discord
  10. I lost. You won.
  11. envy posted a post in a topic in Test Area
  12. My bad. You can help move to the appropriate forum; thank you.
  13. Other forum software with those features still has it
  14. Why is Invision community Lacking this useful Navigation feature, as seen in other forum software? Forums/Topics/Post Pages.
  15. envy joined the community
  16. Featured content page error. what an omission ! https://preview.invisionalpha5.com/featured/ https://i.imgur.com/mjLLJfe.png what happened to image embed or attachment?