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  1. ahc posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    Page looks super nice, and while it’s not quite the layout I was expecting, the first image block looks good. Hoping we can adjust how many rows of images display, cause then it would be good enough to replace this broken custom block we were using.
  2. ahc posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    I can click on things quoted here, but it says I don’t have access to the page.
  3. ahc posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    I want to click things so I can see them better, but the website won’t let me. Your post is just one giant “Follow Matt” link. 🤣 Screen Recording 2024-08-08 164248.mp4
  4. ahc changed their profile photo
  5. ahc commented on ahc's comment on an event in Community Calendar


  6. ahc posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    Hey staff, I’ve taken a look and played with some things around everything I could access through the sidebar and just clicking around while taking notes. So far I like what I see, I just wish I could play around with blocks, too. 🫠 Also forgive me, I wanted to play with the new box feature. (I’ve read through the bug reports, so I’m not mentioning anything that was already listed in there.) My Box of Feedback™ Sidebar: It would be great if this could also have layout view settings under Content Preferences. Expanded: Always keep it open with both icons and text visible. Collapsed: Always keep it closed with only icons visible. Hybrid: Keep it collapsed with only icons visible but expand to show both icons and text when hovered. Edit Profile Button: I love this. I disliked the way all the buttons would block the top part of the cover image, especially if you had custom applications that added even more profile related features with settings. Hopefully going forward app creators will utilize keeping it all under the dropdown. Also, extra points for linking account settings since some members always assuming they can edit their accounts through their profiles. Scalable Images within Editor: No words are needed, give whoever made this a raise. Events Page: Could we have an option to turn “Happening Near You” section and any location-based settings/searches off for communities who only host virtual/online events? Our community barely uses the event calendar because the location-based stuff makes things a little convoluted when we try to set up events. Not too important, but we would love to start actually using the calendar so members can prepare and sign up (Going or Not Going) beforehand. Images Block: I see the new Images block and it looks nice. Does it show as a stretched single horizontal carousel when not in the sidebar? Or does it show as a grid similar to the “New Images” section in the Gallery? If not the grid, could an option to display it as a grid be added? That’s all I got for now, folks. Just some simple stuff.
  7. until