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Everything posted by Dreadknux

  1. Hi @Matt F and @Ehren , didnā€™t want to annoy you all with another topic so figured Iā€™d keep to this one, as itā€™s sort of relatedā€¦ but upon dynamically resizing the browser window it seems that content can get a little too cramped when narrowed in: Do you have any thoughts on how to adapt content in a browser window thatā€™s this narrow? I was thinking about some custom CSS that would expand the pink box to full-width (like it does on mobile) but I donā€™t think I could do that with the usual ā€œmediaā€ selector tag as that Iā€™d only be able to target the browser window size and not the size of the main content container (which is what I would want to target). Itā€™s kind of that weird space between Desktop and Tablet view, I suppose. Or maybe Iā€™m just over-thinking it and I should just chill out, LOL šŸ˜…
  2. I have a number of suggestions for the mobile drawer, once a user clicks on the ā€˜menuā€™ tab. I love the snappiness of the overall UX, but there are some things that I think could help improve the experience, keen to hear what you guys thinkā€¦ Orange: Have a quick-drawer option for user menu within the mobile drawer. This can be additional to the existing placement of the user menu in the top mobile header - the reason for this is so that users donā€™t have to travel their thumb all the way to the top of the screen to independently reach their account options Cyan: Is it possible to add a checkbox set of options for the Menu Manager, that allows admins to have Menu Items appear either in the Classic (Horizontal) desktop menu, the Side Panel desktop menu, the Mobile Drawer menu, or all three? I ask this because, the items within the ā€˜Hotā€™ sub-menu would look much better as top-level items on the mobile drawer and the Side Panel, but NOT for Classic header. For Classic, itā€™s cleaner for me to use a sub-menu as Iā€™ve displayed here. Green: Can we add fontawesome/icons to the sub-menu items? At present, it is a little difficult for users to easily scan this menu with all the text - having the icons on the side (even if smaller) would help make certain menu items more apparent to quick-tapping mobile users. Pink: Not sure if this is a bug or not, but the breadcrumb here defaults to the very end of list when opening the mobile drawer. Would it be better for the breadcrumb to position itself at the beginning, like everywhere else? Thanks again for all your hard work and efforts! :)
  3. Not sure what is supposed to go in this huge gap here, but it only happens on mobile view. Seems like itā€™s meant to be for some specific buttons/options (ratings maybe?), but isnā€™t collapsing/hiding like it should be doing.
  4. If weā€™re talking about the general design of the Activity feed page, I agree that it feels too cluttered and confusing. I suggested the following on the Alpha Club a week or so ago, will repost here for fits and giggles: (Decided to directly link to an image from the main Invision site because the image compression settings on this preview site was messing with the IQ of the uploaded version of the above image)
  5. I think that exists already, unless you mean something else?
  6. Thanks for the response Matt, appreciate reading your thoughts and I agree with your POV.
  7. I absolutely love the new Featured system, many thanks for all your hard work with it. I wanted to bring up some suggestions for your consideration, based on my playing around with it. Nothing is ultimately very pressing or important for 5.0 (except for the last one maybe), but I thought it might be worth getting IPS team thoughts on the below for future revisions/enhancements to the feature. Re-Promote Content Items At present, you can only promote a content item once. In V4, you had the option to ā€œre-promoteā€ content (although that came at the cost of deleting the original promotion), but this option appears to be gone in V5 Alpha 8, with only ā€œUnfeatureā€ listed (which I think is a good option to have, actually). But alongside ā€˜Unfeatureā€™, maybe offer the ability to re-promote? A use case example could be, the re-promotion of an old (two-year-old) news Pages record, to coincide with some current event. I like having an ā€œarchiveā€ of featured items, so I wouldnā€™t want to delete any existing promotions unless I specifically ask to do so. Auto-Promote (for Pages) It would be great to have an option at the Pages database level (with category override) to have new records auto-promoted to the Featured page, if possible. Maybe for other apps across the suite too, but for Pages I think would be most useful. Categories This would be useful for Page block-building (admins could build a Featured Content block that specifically targets items a particular category), but could also help organise Featured content in a way that admins could make sense of. Ties in a bit with the next suggestion. Filter on the Featured Content homepage Similar to how there is a content filter on Tag pages, it would be great for users to be able to dynamically filter out featured items (by content type would be useful, but there could also be an option to allow users to filter by custom Featured Categories as per suggestion #3 above too) Clearer identifier as to what is being locally featured and what is being sent to Featured Content This one is more immediately actionable based on the status of V5, but basically we have content across the Alpha 8 instance that can be ā€œFeaturedā€ (such as Clubs) but wonā€™t appear on the Featured Content homepage. I donā€™t know if the Clubs thing is a bug or something, but it would be good to know if a content will be featured just on the local app or if it will be sent to the global suite Featured Content page (and perhaps, a sub-suggestion - offer an option for admins to choose whether they want to just feature something locally or send to Featured Content, or both). Many thanks for all the epically hard work you guys are all putting in for this!!!
  8. Ahh, fair enough. Thanks for the insight, guys.
  9. Just playing around with Pages and very much enjoying the wrap-in box (bugs notwithstanding), and realised that images that are placed inline outside of wrap boxes tend to ignore any automatic scaling/resizing to fit in the context of the page. ^ This is an example of an image (left) placed outside of a wrap-in box (right). This is on desktop, with a browser window fully expanded. The further I reduce the width of my browser window, the narrower the white space gap between image and box, until it ends up being pushed underneath the wrap-in box: Images tend to scale automatically if the browser window is squeezed too narrow when there is no floating/wrap box present, so I was hoping if this could also be applied to images when a box is present? I can imagine some admins/writers will always want their images to be a specific size, so perhaps this could be a toggle/option on a per-image or AdminCP level?
  10. A quick suggestion for Pages databases that are intended for collaborative works (such as a ā€˜wikiā€™ style section). While having a single Author and a hard ā€˜publishedā€™ date makes sense for something like static news/feature articles and records, it doesnā€™t make a ton of sense for evolving online documents. For things like that, it would be good to have a shortlist of ā€˜contributorsā€™ who have each edited the record in some way, so that members of the community can individually be credited for collaborative work (you could even work achievements into this somehow, but thatā€™s getting ahead of this specific suggestion). The author link could instead lead to a popup modal that lists all contributors (the top 3 or so could be specifically highlighted in an ā€˜avatar stackā€™ to the side), and the date could instead show the last edited time/date. Mockup below for illustrative purposes:
  11. Dreadknux posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    I basically suggest the same thing here, but in a more convoluted way I suppose šŸ˜… https://preview.invisionalpha5.com/topic/79-page-editor-can-we-tell-widgets-to-ignore-certain-pages-in-a-nodeapp/#comment-255 Good to know itā€™s being thought about!
  12. I have a widget that Iā€™ve added to the top of the page when browsing a ā€˜wikiā€™ style pages database. It looks good on the nodeā€™s landing page like thisā€¦ But it gets in the way on all other pages to do with this node, such as page records: Is there a way I can tell this top widget to only appear on the [domain]/wiki/ landing page of the node, and not in any other areas of that app? Is it something I can make disappear with custom CSS class/IDs, or something that needs to be added as a specific Page Editor option? Also while Iā€™m hereā€¦ itā€™s still a bit weird that you canā€™t add ā€œtop of the pageā€ widgets underneath the page/app title block (as in the first image; the ā€˜Featured Recordsā€™ block cannot be placed between the ā€˜Sonic Wikiā€™ title block and the ā€˜Categoriesā€™ block). Itā€™s something that always struck me as odd in V4, can it be something that can be resolved in V5 I wonder (not necessarily for 5.0, but later down the line)?
  13. Holy smokes, thatā€™s an even better implementation than I imagined. Amazing work Matt F! Iā€™m guessing the ā€œ+ā€ buttons and other icons that pop up over the titles in your video there is not yet fully implemented into the current alpha (Alpha 8) as Iā€™m not getting those buttons to appear on my instanceā€¦ unless thereā€™s some button/right click function Iā€™m missing.
  14. Or maybe instead of a px width size, you could try allowing for a % width (in relation to the widget size)? I think that might accomplish the same result without needing to add multiple options/buttons?
  15. I have a Featured Content widget on my alpha instanceā€™s landing page, and on desktop I have the blocks set to Wallpaper mode with a certain width (between 400-600px, Iā€™m trying to find the right balance atm) so that it looks good and ā€˜hero imageā€™-y on larger screens. On mobile however, it looks like this: The same widget makes each wallpaper block appear full-width - which makes sense, as itā€™s trying to adapt a 600px desktop width into a mobile screen - but Iā€™d prefer to have the blocks on mobile much smaller so that users can see part of the next block in the carousel (otherwise itā€™s not altogether clear that there are multiple items on the same line). Itā€™d be great if I could tell the suite to display these blocks at 600px width on desktop and 300px width on mobile, so that the desktop version looks like the above and the mobile looks like the below:
  16. Last one (for now), I promise! This one is kind of funny; having Header text in a wrap-in box and constantly editing and saving the page record will cause extra margin space to be added with every revision. See video below - and Iā€™m not touching the H4 text at all while this is happening! Screen Recording 2024-08-09 at 11.46.53.mp4
  17. (Sorry for the extra bug reports re: wrap-in box, I suddenly discovered a bunch of new ones!) There appears to be an issue when using the horizontal line in a wrap-in box. You can see some of the weirdness in the video below, but thereā€™s one major issue I should specifically mention. If you try to add a horizontal line at the very bottom of a wrap-in box, the post editor will display a new box title section underneath it. You cannot change it to standard text, and hitting the return key does nothing. Hitting backspace will remove the entire wrap-in box, and will continue to delete its orphaned elements upon multiple presses. Screen Recording 2024-08-09 at 11.44.16.mp4Also minor side issue shown from 1:03 in the video; adding a horizontal line within the content area displays a line but makes it highlighted, and typing any text will delete the line.
  18. Thanks to some kind help from Ehren, I was able to get part of my desktop header working as a sticky-scroll element, which is useful (at least on desktop) for quick-access to community suite menus etc. Almost all elements that work with sticky functions adjust themselves well to my custom CSS, with one exception - the post editor toolbar. Video proof below - I remove the sticky header to show that the toolbar IS working as a sticky scroll element, itā€™s just clearly hidden behind the sticky header as the user scrolls down. Screen Recording 2024-08-09 at 11.42.55.mp4Itā€™s the same on mobile too (I currently have a sticky mobile header bar on my alpha instance, but Iā€™m considering not keeping itā€¦). If it helps, my custom CSS code (relative to this) is as follows: :root{ --i-scroll-padding: calc(var(--i-headerPrimary--he) + 10px); --i-sticky-offset: calc(var(--i-headerPrimary--he) + 10px); } /* Sticky Header */ @media screen and (min-height: 850px) { .ipsHeader { display: contents; } .ipsHeader__primary { position: sticky; top: 0; z-index: var(--i-z-index_headerPrimary); } } /* Mobile Sticky Header */ .ipsMobileHeader { position: sticky; position: -webkit-sticky; top: 0; z-index: 7; }Is this something worth fixing, or is there a CSS function Iā€™m missing that I can include to account for things like the post editor toolbar? :) Thank you!
  19. Iā€™m playing around with Pages on my instance, and noticed a new ā€˜Table of Contentsā€™ widget, which I assume is a way to offer a structured navigation block similar to Wikipedia (please correct me if Iā€™m wrong!). With that in mind, Iā€™m trying to add it to an existing page record and am having trouble getting it to load up. ^ Thatā€™s how it appears in Page Editor, but when all is set up and the page is refreshed, the block never appears. Is this widget triggered by a particular element in the main content area that needs to be present? For example, does it seek H2 headers and dynamically build a Table of Contents from that, or is this simply an unfinished widget for now? The page in question has a number of H2 headers as ā€˜segmentsā€™ for the page, and it doesnā€™t appear to be working.
  20. Just a couple of low-level design issues Iā€™ve noticed when working with Wrap In Boxes in the post editor that is causing my brain to itch a tiny bit! šŸ˜„ Context: I started creating content as usual, then published a page record. I went back to edit it and added the pink box you see above. I positioned the text marker at the start of the post content (at the start of the line ā€œThis is great!ā€, which was the very beginning of the content), then clicked Create > Wrap In Box in the post editor toolbar, and then used the boxā€™s settings to Wrap to the right, and to size the box as Small. With that in mind: Red rectangle: Unwanted extra line break was created at the start of the content when the box was created and wrapped. To remove it, I had to click on the spare line, hold Function and hit Delete (Iā€™m on macOS but the PC equivalent would be just hitting Delete instead of Backspace). Doing anything else, such as positioning the text marker at the start of the ā€œThis is great!ā€ line and hitting Backspace, will cause some weird removal of other content (sometimes itā€™s removing the entire pink box but keeping the content within it, effectively orphaning the box content, sometimes it removes the ā€œThis is great!ā€ text line entirelyā€¦ the actual effect seems to differ). Green Circle: Added an image to the box, but the settings appear to be absolutely massive. Not a huge deal, just thought it was kinda funny. Yellow rectangle: Clicked the ā€œInsert line afterā€ arrow button at the bottom of the image to cause a line break, but as you can see the text marker appears too close to the image. It doesnā€™t seem to reflect in the actual content when the page is edited/published either, because upon hitting save the ā€˜Statsā€™ text appears like this (yellow rectangle in image below)ā€¦ This lack of line break padding has actually just happened when writing this post right here - which Iā€™m sure wonā€™t be reflected in the actual content when I post it (see image below - so meta!). As you can see in the yellow rectangle above, the margins between image and H4 text has been correctly applied (although the gap between image and the H4 ā€˜Statsā€™ text is now a little too much, but thatā€™s a little too nit-picky for this topic). When I go and re-edit the post, the correct margins are also applied - itā€™s just when adding this content to post editor for the first time, it seems. Although as per the red rectangle, the extra line break does still reflect in the published post if I do not remove it manually in the post editor. Also, an additional point I just noticed - using bulleted lists in post editor displays as empty/white bullets (see first image above) but when the content is published the bullets appear filled/black (see second image above). Might be something also worth correcting.
  21. Dreadknux posted a post in a topic in Feedback
    I agree - it would be good to have an ā€˜albumā€™ or ā€˜bucketā€™ for cover images (maybe a different bucket for each particular node, or one for each database) that assigned usergroups can access so they can re-use already-uploaded images to new records. To explain my communityā€™s use case; we have a ā€˜Newsā€™ Pages database and use the Record Image field to add a hero banner/thumbnailā€¦ but itā€™s a one-time use thing. If we wanted to use the same Record Image for a new News record, months later, weā€™d have to upload the same image again. There are probably hundreds of identical images on my communityā€™s ā€˜uploadsā€™ folder over the years, specifically because we have uploaded the same image twice instead of being able to just pick an already-uploaded Image. I wouldnā€™t want this function to be available to ALL users for every node (i.e. only News usergroup users to modify/change cover photos on a News database record, for example), but it would be a nice addition all the same.
  22. This is probably something you could do with custom CSS, but yeah maybe long-term there could be options in Theme Editor for different areas of the suite if you want fonts/sizes to appear differently (atm in my alpha instance I use custom CSS to set the article record title as a different font to the rest of the suite, Iā€™m likely to do the same with font line heights in the content as well just to make it breathe a little better).
  23. Playing around with the Footer in Page Editor, and noticed that these three widgets, that are all set to the same block design (Minimal Grid) all have differing looks: I like the design on the left (although not sure why the horizontal line/border separator colour is much brighter on Minimal Grid than it is in Minimal), and would like to see the same applied to the middle and right widgets, too. I know that for different nodes there exists different metadata that needs to be pulled (what forum a topic has been posted in, for example), but itā€™d be nice to have the option to broadly keep the designs consistent. Particularly with the image thumbnailā€¦ I think the ā€˜Trending Contentā€™ widget could definitely seek the appropriate image associated with that content item (be it a Page record image, or a Featured Content promoted image) and display it there, and itā€™d look much better (and for Topics, well Iā€™ve been banging on for ages about how Topics should have Cover Image support like in Page records, Profiles and Calendar Events, so maybe now is the time to suggest that again! šŸ˜€).
  24. Itā€™s happening to me in Chrome 127.0.6533.89 (Official Build) (arm64), on macOS 14.5. Just checked Safari on the same device, the button is actually appearing there so looks like a Chrome issue?