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Guess what?

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Alpha 14 is on it’s way through CloudLand® If you’re curious as to what has been fixed, check out the release notes.

Will there be another alpha? Or will it be beta?

Find out next week! Or maybe in an hour when I release another alpha as this one broke something important.

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3 hours ago, chocodz said:

hmm but xenforo still better hope this v5 be better

honestly, how is that even possible? I truly don’t understand how IPB is not way more popular, it’s so feature rich…

1 hour ago, danfelbm said:

honestly, how is that even possible? I truly don’t understand how IPB is not way more popular, it’s so feature rich…

I believe the problem lies in the pricing and the need for additional hosting resources. 🤔

I am in the process of deciding whether to go with Xenforo or IPB.

After reviewing the information, IPB could be compared to vitamins, while Xenforo seems to function more like a painkiller, even though I love the look and function of IPB v5.

Only you know what’s good for your community, but don’t let the keyboard warriors on the internet sway you either way. Do a feature comparison, be logical in what you require (some do a pros and cons list), and you’ll find the right fit. When there is too much incorrect and fanboy/fangirl noise, you’ll never be able to pick your ideal software.

Joking aside, XenForo is fine software. Choosing a platform is a very personal decision based on what you need for your community.

What is your community based around?

I want to create a community for humanitarian workers focused on child protection and gender-based violence (GBV). This community will provide a platform for discussing responses to child protection concerns and GBV, as well as sharing learning materials and curricula. Additionally, there will be a private section for discussing advanced services such as case management for complicated cases + other things related to humanitarian rights and response.

@Matt You guys should also focus on forum monetization also. we need core features that allow ads between paragraphs for any app on this forum. Nobody runs a free forum these days. Scratch our back and we scratch yours.

On 9/23/2024 at 8:48 PM, danfelbm said:

honestly, how is that even possible? I truly don’t understand how IPB is not way more popular, it’s so feature rich…

Never knew that xenforo is more popular than Invision 😁

36 minutes ago, chocodz said:

where can we download it and test it ?

Invision Community 5 is not available for public release yet, but you can test the frontend right here on this community. There is a Test Area where members are giving posting a go, you can try it yourself too. Once a release is available the Team will let us all know.

On 9/23/2024 at 6:48 PM, danfelbm said:

honestly, how is that even possible? I truly don’t understand how IPB is not way more popular, it’s so feature rich…

Forum’s apps/plug-ins…

We’ve not an official ressource page/site now for all these and it’s very important to find and use apps on forum…sadly

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