Posted August 6Aug 6 Media embed works well with 16:9 format videos , i would suggest now when youtube have shorts videos as facebook and instagraam i would like to see also the 9:16 format as well so its fit better in a widget when add a youtube video .. Edited August 6Aug 6 by Chris59
August 6Aug 6 We’ve already discussed this internally, but I don’t believe it’s possible for Youtube shorts to be distinguished from regular videos automatically, since they share an identical URL structure.Our potential solution (which won’t be implemented until a future 5.x update), will be to add a “portrait” button to the editor, which will rotate the aspect-ratio for videos.
August 6Aug 6 Author 1 minute ago, Ehren said:We’ve already discussed this internally, but I don’t believe it’s possible for Youtube shorts to be distinguished from regular videos automatically, since they share an identical URL structure.Our potential solution (which won’t be implemented until a future 5.x update), will be to add a “portrait” button to the editor, which will rotate the aspect-ratio for videos.You have any hokus pokus css code for this as a temporary solution 😇😂
August 6Aug 6 There’s no way to detect portrait videos automatically (as far as I know), so no.The closest you could do is manually add code to your custom CSS file for every portrait video you post (eg. unique ID’s to your Youtube videos), but that’s not going to automatically solve cases where visitors post Youtube Shorts.
Media embed works well with 16:9 format videos , i would suggest now when youtube have shorts videos as facebook and instagraam i would like to see also the 9:16 format as well so its fit better in a widget when add a youtube video ..
Edited by Chris59