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  • Status: Fixed

Caught in the same topic as the other bug I just reported - when clicking to edit a post, the post editor unexpectedly shunts down from where the content originally sat, which can be frustrating. I believe it’s the “Required” text that appears that is making it happen, but it’s not a desirable UX as users will expect to be able to click where the text was in order to edit it, only to have the editor shift to a different location.

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18 hours ago, Marc said:

Sorry, I have watched the video a few times now, and still not sure what you mean unfortunately.

Apologies Marc, I’ll try to break it down.

So when a user clicks the ‘Edit’ button in the post dropdown, the existing post text is positioned where the red box is (as below image).

Screenshot 2024-08-09 at 09.05.20.png

The expectation is that, as a desktop power user, they would want to click ‘Edit’ and then immediately move the mouse over to where the post text is, in anticipation for the post editor to appear (they will want to click inside the post editor once it loads up, in order to ensure keyboard focus is locked on the post editor)

So after clicking ‘Edit’, the user will draw their mouse over to where the text is situated (in my case, I’d bring it close to where the text starts), as below (mouse highlighted in green for visibility)…

Screenshot 2024-08-09 at 09.06.06.png

But as soon as the mouse has travelled to position, the post editor appears at a location underneath where it is expected to be. The user has travelled all that way for no reason, and now has to travel further down in order to reach the content.

See the image below - the user has clicked in the area where they expected the post editor to appear (green circle), but the area where the original text was situated (red rectangle) has been shunted down several lines (purple rectangle). It’s a pretty big instance of Cumulative Layout Shift - the user expects something to appear in a specific location, which doesn’t happen due to an unexpected shift in page elements (in this case, the post editor).

Screenshot 2024-08-09 at 09.06.18.png

It seems like what is causing this is the rogue appearance of a “Required” notice that pops up above the post editor (see pink rectangle)…

In fact, you could probably solve this issue by just removing that whole “Required” notice, because it doesn’t actually need to be there? There’s only one field that appears when editing a post like this (the post editor… okay maybe the ‘Reason for edit’ field but nobody is really paying attention to that), so having a “Required” line is pretty redundant (EDIT: Or you could move the ‘Required’ text to inside the post editor toolbar, that would make better use of the space).

Edited by Dreadknux

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